
Geben Sie Gedankenfreiheit!
Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805)

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The Board

The Board is comprised of the following members:


  • the Mayor of Marbach am Neckar, Mr. Jan Trost, the Chairman of the Board
  • the Vice-Chairman of the Board, Mr. Birger Laing
  • the Treasurer, Ms. Inge Götz
  • four additional members are elected to the board: Ms. Andrea Hahn, Mr. Hartmut Braun, Mr. Albrecht Gühring
    and Landeskonservator i.R. Mr. Reinhard Wolf
  • three members elected to the Board from among the City Council of Marbach am Neckar: Ms. Arnegunde Bärlin,
    Professor Dr. Hans Martin Gündner, Dr. Michael Herzog
  • a representative of the Deutsche Schillergesellschaft e. V., Professor Dr. Ulrich Raulff
  • The Honorary Chairman, Mayor (ret.) Mr. Herbert Pötzsch